Call: +880 1819 405398 Fax: +88 02 551 68203 Email:
Dhaka Office
28, Navana Zahura Square, Level 8, Suite D-8,Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Banglamotor, Dhaka- 1000, Phone: +88-02-55168200 Mobile: 01819405398, 01979405398 E-mail:
Australia Office
2/66, Drummond Street,
Bedford, WA 6052
Phone: +614 992 46222 E-mail:
Chittagong Office
313, SK Mujib Road, Sayed Hasan Ali Masjid, Complex(1st Floor), Agrabad, Chittagong Phone: +88 031 251 8779
Savar Office
Rafizuddin Super Market,
Bagabari Bazar, Baipail,
EPZ Road, Savar, Dhaka

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